A MEMS Multi-Cantilever Variable Capacitor On Metamaterial - DTIC

With an increase in the area of the capacitor the number of defects in the dielectric should increase, which might have led to a shorter time-to-failure for ...

Effect of Environmental Stress and Bias Conditions on Reliability of ...
This is because decreasing the dielectric thickness (td) needed for high capacitance density (?0?/td) increases the leakage current and degrades the capacitor's ...
Solid-State Ultracapacitor Polymer Composite
An added benefit of polymer film capacitors is the properties that facilitate a graceful failure mechanism, or a gradual loss in capacitance rather than a ...
Chapter 1 Introduction
This is of course why high permittivity dielectrics are used as interposers between the plates of a capacitor to increase its capacitance value.
The Treatment of Dielectrics in FasterCap - Fast Field Solvers
Type designator, capacitance value and tolerance, rated peak voltage, ceramic material code, production date code, manufacturer logo.
TD 020030, TD 020050, TD 020080 | Vishay
To increase capacitance, one can use a dielectric material with a high permittivity or dielectric constant, or reduce the distance between the electrodes, or ...
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Los Angeles FEM-Based Capacitor ...
This supports the theory that the higher roughness profile adds additional capacitance, thereby increasing Dkeff, due to reduced separation between the two ...
Practical-Method-Model-Effective-Permittivity-and-Phase-Delay-Due ...
The dielectric constant has a linear relationship with energy density (Ue), an increase in the dielectric constant increases the charge that can be stored ...
As we increase temperature, the high-CTE conductive layers tend to expand (axially) more than the dielectric one. However, this axial expansion ...
Capacitive Temperature Sensing via Displacement Amplification
The increased capacitance can be attributed to the channels newly established in the dielectric layer by repeatedly exchanging the positive and ...
The capacitance of a capacitor with a dielectric of air is. 1200 pF. When a dielectric is inserted between the plates, the capacitance increases to 6 nF. Of ...
Dielectric charge control in contactless capacitive MEMS
This leads to distance reduction between both electrodes and thus an increase of the device capacitance. Under this operating principle the electrostatic force ...
DERATING Capacitors, Fixed, Paper Film Construction
The unique metallization process and thinner electrode film will increase capacitive efficiency for this capacitor style. This results in higher capacitance ...