Exploring the primordial universe, inflation and primordial ...

.0002 and trace amounts (of the order of 10?5) of Deuterium/H and 3He/H formed about 3 min after the Big Bang, using the latest Planck ...

George F. Smoot III - Nobel Lecture
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Could time be logarithmic? - The Journal of Cosmology
Lecture Note: Cosmology II
Termes manquants :
Early galaxy formation and its large-scale effects
Standard big bang nucleosynthesis production of H, He, Li, Be, and. B isotopes as a function of time, for the baryon density taken from WMAP7.
The hot, early universe - Haus der Astronomie
TdS = Td(sa3) = d(?a3) + Pda3. (2.8) ... properties than the classical theory: this particularity allows us to get rid of the Big Bang.
Impacts of cosmic inhomogeneities on the CMB
Big Bang. < 10-43 sec. ~infinity. All four forces (Gravity, Strong, Electromagnetic, and Weak) are united. Quantum Gravity Era. ~ 10-43 sec.
Heavy-ion Physics and the ALICE Experiment - CERN Indico
Sep 24: Introduction and Friedmann Equations. Oct 1: Fluid and Acceleration Equations. Oct 8: Introductory GR, Space Time Metric, Proper Distance.
Origins & Evolution of the Universe
Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) describes a crucial period in the early stages of our Universe. According to this theory, in a matter of ...
Probing New Physics with Big Bang Nucleosynthesis - SFB 1258
Part II: The thermal universe: This part discusses the evolution of particles in the early universe up to a time of 380,000 years after the big bang.
ASTR/PHY 395 - Cosmology - Lehigh University
Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) begins in earnest when the. Universe is a few minutes old and ends less than half an hour later when the nuclear reactions are ...
Lecture notes: Cosmology
from which, integrating and putting the epoch of Big Bang at t = 0,i.e. a(t =0)=0, we find a(t)=(. 3. 2. H0t)2/3 or simply a ? t2/3. (3.2.8).
The History Of The Universe
The prevailing cosmological model, the Big Bang theory, describes the universe's origin from an incredibly hot, dense state approximately 13.8 billion years ago ...