he (5cI2ette of tndia - DEPARTMENT OF Expenditure

(iv) Posts of scientific staff in the scale of Rs.6500-10500 carrying minimum qualification of engineering degree or a post-graduate degree should also be.

Revised Training Modules of Non- Gazetted Staff of Traffic
GRS, Trains Clerk Duties, Registers, In Yards and Control Office. Train ... Induction through RRB / Promotion through department examination. Duration. 50 ...
More than one selection for the same detailed table should be station selection or a TD/District selection. (5) Disposal from preliminary table.- Only station ...
Compendium - Directorate General of Employment (DGE) | GoI
Pbysically handicepm d perx ns who &R otherwix qualified to hold clerical posts and who *re ? nified ?s belg ynable te type by tht M tdic? Bosrd or a Civil ...
CSSS Rules, 1969 - DoPT
(a) In the case of Upper Division Clerks/Lower Division Clerk, Steno-typists, their inter se ... (iii) Educational qualification- He must have passed the ...
IPAS Implementation Guidelines: Annexure 1 - Indian Railway
POST CATEGORY (PC) ... It will be used as 3rd Character of ED Code towards Non Railway Body Recovery to ensure uniqueness at IR level.
6f2/1?°1-rocf) - CBI
9300-34800 with grade pay Rs. 4600 or equivalent in the parent cadre or. Department, and. (B) Possessing the following educational qualifications and experience ...
td q-crdq/ MTMSTRy oF RArLwAys i=rd' qN - SRES-NFIR
This will be subject to certification that these posts are meant for regular activities which will continue and not for any sporadic requirements. These orders ...
Training Manual - eLocoS
Considering volunteers /candidates from amongst serving railway employees with proper qualifications and aptitude for posting as Trainers in the Training.
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