34th Annual Report 2023-24 - Persistent Systems

... up to continue our momentum as we march towards becoming a two ... University. \ Ensuring growth while keeping work-life well-being and ...

Startups- - ICAI Knowledge Bank
the ICAI Start Up programme, the Institute aims to coordinate ... Education, and Agriculture. As of November 2022, 31 states have ...
UPL - image
Our portfolio includes patented and post-patent agricultural solutions such as crop protection solutions, BioSolutions and seed treatment, along ...
... up at Kaiga in Karnataka (Kaiga-5&6), Gorakhpur in Haryana. (GHAVP ... University Raipur, Chattisgarh. He joined the 29th batch of ...
LOK SABHA DEBATES - Parliament Digital Library
SHRI C. K. JAFFER SHARIEF: (Jur policy and our approach is to go in fOr more dieselisation and elec~ri fication to spe d up the trains.
Navigating challenges Identifying opportunities Focusing on execution
UPL, a visionary leader in the agriculture solutions space, is reimagining sustainability in the global agriculture sector and spearheading a.
All the directors of the Company were present, and Mr. Stephane Cai chaired the meeting. He introduced his colleagues present on the dais to ...
GE T&D India Limited
from the date of issue of show cause notice letter d| 04 04'2012 and with reference to the totality of information collected & based on a ...
To expand and diversify into other related areas and activities like financing of decentralized power generation projects,.
a~HlllT f~ftl'2's I REC Limited - NSE
During the year, the School brought out the following ? the Central Civil Services (Conduct) .Rules, and functions of the Ministries of ...
I9E5-7D - Ministry of Home Affairs
Forward-looking statement. Certain statements in this Report regarding our business operations may be forward-looking.
integrated annual report 2023-24 | bel
Material changes affecting the Company. There were no material changes or commitments affecting the financial position of the Company having occurred.
M/s Unitech Limited 53rd Annual General Meeting Index
Agricultural University,. Benfish. 5.9 OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE. 5.9.1 ORDER ... Prayagraj, Allahabad (U.P.) (Total Project cost: Rs.389 cr.) by forming an ...