Upper Cretaceous sequences and sea-level history, New Jersey ...

These regions are: (1) portions of the Atlantic Coastal Plain from New York to North Carolina and including parts of Georgia, and (2) the west flank of the ...

Geologic Interpretation of Basement Rocks of the Atlantic Coastal ...
These wetlands occur on poorly drained areas of the eastern Coastal Plain. Saturation is due to poor drainage and sheet flow from adjoining peatlands.
Paleogene Earth perturbations in the US Atlantic Coastal Plain (PEP ...
Stratigraphic column showing Cretaceous, Paleocene, and Eocene planktonic foraminiferal and calcareous nannofossil zones and geological ...
Chapter 4. Virginia's Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain - RIS
The Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain (Coastal Plain, Figure 4.1) corresponds to what other classification systems call the Coastal Plain (Table 4.1).
Atlantic Coastal Plain Flora - Species at risk public registry
The Recovery Strategy and Management Plan for Multiple Species of Atlantic Coastal Plain. Flora in Canada (Environment Canada and Parks Canada Agency 2010) was ...
hydrogeologic framework of the northern atlantic coastal plain [ in ...
Hydrogeologic framework of the northern Atlantic Coastal Plain in parts of North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, New. Jersey, and New York. (U.S. ...
Atlantic Coastal Plain Flora (11 species)
Atlantic Coastal Plain Flora lakeshore habitat, Tusket River, Nova Scotia; inset photos (from left) Golden Crest (Lophiola aurea), Pink Coreopsis (Coreopsis ...
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