Eyewitness Identification: Retrospective Self-Awareness and the ...

Self-perception was also found to moderate the relationship between over- all job satisfaction and JDI satisfaction with both co-workers and supervi- sion.

Self-Perception, Body-Image and Self-Esteem among Young Adults
A regression of behavioral intentions on atti- tudes, subjective norm, and perceived control revealed significant beta weights for all the predictor variables.
Self-Perceptions of Status in Face-to-Face Groups
The SFSCS assesses interpersonal and achievement domains of self-concept, and thus potentially reflects areas of perceived competency (e.g. task.
individual-differences-in-self-perception-and-the-job-life-satisfaction ...
Self-perception theory predicts that people with weak or poorly-defined attitudes toward the environment will use their prior behavior to infer ...
Studies show that children with gender incongruent feelings have significantly lower self-concept than the general population (e.g.,. Alberse et al., 2019). The ...
Differences in self-perception and social gender status in children ...
The model posits that the influence of the self on social thought is contingent on both the content of the self-concept and the motives that work to maintain or ...
On the utility of the self in social perception: An Egocentric Tactician ...
... self-perception theory involve self-fabrication, and not self- revelation, because of methodological constraints. In order to demonstrate self-.
SELF-KNOWLEDGE: Its Limits, Value, and Potential for Improvement
Aims: To examine and explore relationships between anxiety and confidence (self-efficacy and resilience) generally and in a movement-specific context, along ...
1 Anxiety, Confidence and Self-Concept in Adults with and without ...
The present study used multilevel modeling and measures of the Big Five to test Rogers' prediction that discrepancies between ideal and actual self-concept ...
ideal and actual self-concept, autonomy support, and well-being in ...
Self-discrepancy theory postulates that we are motivated to reach a condition where our self-concept matches our person- ally relevant self-guides. The notion ...
Self-Discrepancy: A Theory Relating Self and Affect - ResearchGate
The limits of the self, and thus of self theory, are illustrated in the behavior of animals and babies. As noted in earlier chapters, most animals and most very ...
By means of a single case study this research brings a first insight into the importance of self-perception of the actors in the open innovation ...
What is the importance of self-perception in open innovation ...
Research into the self-concept of students with an intellectual disability (ID) or social, emotional and behavioural difficulties.