El cambio climático es considerado una de las principales amenazas para la biodiversidad, los ecosistemas, el desarrollo socioeconómico, el bienestar humano ...

JAN 30, 2025 - The Railroad Commission of Texas
First, in some cultures, crystals are associated with a 15-year anniversary. Second, as evidenced throughout this.
Chapter 10 - Research Explorer
... TD Securities. Robbie Pryde. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Canadian Imperial Bank ... Landa Thierry. Rico Robles Libenson. Gustavo Robles, Juan Pablo ...
Chapter 2 provides an overview and brief description of the genetic markers that have been used historically for genotyping plant pathogens.
The list only contains attendees that have given their explicit consent during the registration process to be included ...
Company Name First Name Last Name Job Title Country
Abstract. The consumption of quinolones as first-line treatment has increased in recent years, leading to an increase in the incidence of hypersensitivity.
Clinical Practice Guidelines for Diagnosis and Management of ...
Kattge, J., Diaz, S., Lavorel, S., Prentice, C ... Nikinmaa, E., Ollinger, S. V., Pita, G., Rebmann, C., Roup- ... Maat, H. W., Pérez-Landa, G., and Donier, S.: ...
Edinburgh Research Explorer - The University of Edinburgh
Clinical Manifestations of Dengue in Children · and Adults in a Hyperendemic Region of · Colombia. Salazar Flórez JE, Marín Velasquez K, Segura.
Veille scientifique Maladies tropicales négligées
Notably, Landa and colleagues identified a causal variant within the FOXE1 promoter that was associated with PTC susceptibility. (Landa et al.
Simulating the atmospheric CO2 concentration across the ... - BG
Abstract. Surface heterogeneity can be challenging to fully encompass by modelling studies of CO2 surface exchanges, especially when it comes to land-sea ...
Defining and applying the concept of Favourable Reference Values ...
Disclaimer: The information and views set out in this report are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European ...
étude de facteurs de développement - HAL Thèses
Physter et Mills (2004) ont ainsi indiqué que le seuil de détection était plus élevé dans les vins issus de raisins du cépage Cabernet Sauvignon ...
Curriculum Vitae - EUFAR
Senior Researcher at Fundación CEAM: Responsible of carbon cycle research group. Main research line is carbon and water cycle and their interaction in.