Microtonal Composition

The question of interest was whether and how changes in tempo would affect the timing of pedal releases and depressions within the periods defined by successive ...

Teaching and learning of piano timbre through teacher?student ...
Accelerated Piano Adventures for the Older Beginner Theory Book 1 ,1998-01-01 (Faber Piano Adventures ). Correlated to go along with the 12 units of the ...
The effect of tempo on pedal timing in piano performance
the relationship between major and minor keys; and how music is composed through rnelody, harmony and chord progressions can enhance the musical experience ...
The Older Beginner Piano Course Level 1
All teachers were qualified in performance and/or pedagogy with accredited qualifications but only CT1 and CT2 had specific adult pedagogical training and.
MUSI( THEORY - SharpSchool
The meaning of timbre goals in piano lessons is enacted through. ?in-the-moment? bodily experience and embodied through performance actions.
The AB Guide to Music Theory Part II - DocDrop
Chapter 14: Voices. 14/1 Singers and choirs page 105. 14/2 Voices in score. 106. Chapter 15: Non-harmony notes. 15/1 Passing notes.
Faber & Faber: Adult Piano Adventures, Books 1 ? 2 (FJH Music, 2001). ? books includes lessons, technique, theory, repertoire, playing from lead lines. ? CDs ...
General Idea - Monoskop
Dans son texte, Michel Péna tente de définir le paysage sous toutes ses formes. A travers ses définitions il met en valeur un sentiment de bien être, ...
... td (tourne droite), lc ( lève crayon), bc ( baisse crayon), ct (cache tortue) ... Mondrian ». On n'utilisera que deux tailles de carrés et une taille de ...
Minimax Rates for High-Dimensional Random Tessellation Forests
La licence Sciences de l'homme, anthropologie, ethnologie (SHAE) est une formation pluridisciplinaire de spécialisation progressive en anthropologie ...
Normalisation du bien-être - th3
CM : Cours magistral, groupe allant jusqu'à 200 étudiants. TD : Travaux dirigés, groupes ne dépassant pas 40 étudiants. UE : Unité d'Enseignement, généralement ...
Codage et apprentissages - Prim 14
Abstract. Introduced by Breiman (2001a), Random Forests are widely used classification and regression algorithms. While being initially designed as batch ...
Mondrian Random forests: theory and methodology
TD 1. Lundi 15h00-16h30 (du 30/09 au 16/12). Salle. Salle informatique (IAA). Benoît BACONNET. TD 2. Lundi 16h30-18h00 (du 30/09 au 16/12).