World Bank Document
The Disaster Risk Management Working Paper Series presents current research, policies and tools under development by the Bank on disaster management issues and ...
An evaluation and monetary assessment of the impact of flooding on ...The worst flood in the recent history occurred in 1999, which killed at least 547 people and resulted in economic damage as high as 200 ... Cities and Flooding - GFDRRCities and Flooding: A Guide to Integrated Flood Risk Management for the 21st Century and A Summary for Policy Makers were researched and ... 2024 Climate and Catastrophe Insights report - AonFigure 5: Flood hazards in Africa: 1974 to 2003 ... Some of the countries in the region faced devastating disasters, as did Mozambique in the floods of 2000. Documenting the largest floods in the Wet Tropics catchments using ...deadliest global disaster since the devastating tremor in Haiti in 2010. The human toll of this event was also exacerbated by a high number ... Natural Catastrophe and Climate Report: H1 2024From 17-25 March, there was a continual downpour of heavy rain, accompanied by violent wind gusts, that caused severe flooding of the Barron ... wmo atlas of mortality and economic losses from weather, climate ...Several major flood events were recorded around the globe during H1 ... saw some of their worst floods and heaviest rains in recent memory. flash floods and landslides of February 2022 in Petrópolis, Rio de ...Of the top 10 disasters, the hazards that led to the largest human losses during the period have been droughts (650 000 deaths), storms (577 232 deaths), floods ... 2 of 2These disasters were responsible for the deaths of. 526 people in the last 50 years, though seemingly worse over the last 20 years with 300 ... Flash floods and landslides of February 2022 in Petrópolis, Rio deBy the end of February, the death toll has risen to 2314. 55. While this is the deadliest flood and mudslide in the history of Petrópolis, heavy ... The World's Largest Floods, Past and PresentIn general, larger river basins produce larger floods, but larger unit discharges in the moist tropics can result in floods of disproportionately large size. Geoptimization API - My Nomadiaamd uprof Publication DILA - BodaccGeoconcept Geoptimization JavaScript API and Geoptimization web services are aimed at developers and integrators, providing a JavaScript library and a complete ...
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