Effectiveness of nursing interventions in heart failure ... - Lume UFRGS

td. Heart failure (HF) is a non-communicable, life- limiting syndrome characterised by a constellation of unpleasant symptoms that have a negative impact.

The Heart Failure Policy Toolkit
PURPOSE. To guide registered nurses who may manage clients experiencing sudden or unexpected life-threatening cardiac emergencies where cardiac monitoring ...
RN-Initiated Emergency Cardiac Care: Decision Support Tool #2 ...
Patients diagnosed with heart failure are often older with several comorbidities and possibly taking multiple medications?this can limit treatment options.
Perceptions of physicians and nurses concerning advanced care ...
Background: The importance of advance care planning (ACP) has been recognized in the palliative care of patients with heart failure. It is necessary for ...
Patient education in the management of coronary heart disease ...
Patient education in the management of coronary heart disease. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2017, Issue 6. Art. No.: CD008895. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.
Nurses' knowledge about heart failure: a comparative study
ABSTRACT: Objective: To verify the knowledge of nurses about heart failure in different hospital institutions. Method: Participants included 74 nurses from ...
Heart Health: using evidence in nursing practice - IRIS Home
Heart Health: using evidence in nursing practice, offers nurses a new approach to learning i.e. self-directed learning. It is a learning tool rather than a ...
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