Retroperitoneal cyst hemorrhage in polycystic kidney disease

Pain is a common symptom in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, often occurring early during the course of the disease and leading ...

Renal Vein Thrombosis in Nephrotic Syndrome
We present a case series about nutcrack- er syndrome including 38 cases. Left flank pain was the most common pre-senting symptom (79%). The most ...
Rising prevalence of renal calculi: Treatments and considerations
Unenhanced CT is a valuable technique for examining patients presenting to the emergen- cy department with abdominal or flank pain and suspected renal colic. It ...
Renal stone disease - UNC Radiology Medical Student Website
Left flank pain was the most common presenting symptom (61.6%) with hematuria presenting as the second most common. (52.1%). However, a ...
Acute Renal Colic from Ureteral Calculus - University of Florida
If tenderness is unchanged or increased when abdominal muscles are tensed (positive Carnett's sign), the abdominal wall is the likely origin of.
Renal Nutcracker Syndrome: A Case Series and Systematic Review ...
Symptoms include flank pain, fever, nausea and vomiting, bladder irritation, or it may asymptomatic. A major problem of steinstrasse is ureter obstruction ...
Renal Nutcracker Syndrome: A case series and systematic review of ...
The nutcracker syndrome usually affects women aged between 20-40 years, especially multiparous women, and venous reflux causes varicose veins of the deep and ...
Urolithiasis - CHU de Reims
CT of the abdomen and pelvis with contrast showed left kidney infarction with a left renal artery-filling defect. The liver was severely ...
Untitled - Amazon S3

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