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Systemic and topical antibiotics for chronic rhinosinusitis (Review)
Introduction: Sinusitis is the most prevalent condition of the paranasal sinuses, characterized by either infection or inflammation of a few ...
Solving the Sinusitis Puzzle - Biological Times
Abstract. Unilateral vestibular hypofunction (UVH) patients were submitted to a vestibular rehabilitation (VR) program with two different ...
A critical period for rehabilitation of unilateral vestibular hypofunction ...
... kunel , France. ?. B. F. N° 587.199. Dem. le 19 Décembre 1923 ... t d ., Angleterre. ? E. P.. N° 242.805. Dem. le 15 Décembre 1924. Le ...
Abstract. Purpose Patients with acute peripheral unilateral hypofunction (UVH) complain of vertigo and dizziness and show posture.
Ô,ùwpØùwÿÿÿÿØõ - IRIS
This is the 12th issue of a report series on Fission Product Nuclear. Data (FPND) which is published by the Nuclear Data Section (NDS) of ...
in dc international nuclear data committee - IAEA-NDS
... td\l;.oil exists in the first ._.in created foe· -eacda ?~j-ec:t i,n the com ... kunel t.o· vali.dete ~ resto.i:e the ?'*-i1le au--. All ~· .operat ...
MIT-LCS-TR-0132.pdf - Bitsavers.org
China from 1873 to 2008, referred to as the TD series. However, the inhomogeneity of the time series was not considered, and only a limited ...
d'archeologie et d'histoire de l'art
Précieux monument détruit seulement à l'époque du Directoire, la cathédrale d' Arras formait un ensemble architectural d'un intérêt consi dérable.
THEME : le syndrome occlusif
-Potentiel malin: Appendice et rectum métastasent rarement, mais 90% iléon, estomac, colon métastasent. -Morphologie : Cytologie régulière, grains ...