Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed approach improves performance over baselines such as TD-MPC2 by large margins, particularly in 61-DoF.

Improving Temporal Difference MPC Through Policy Constraint
Page 2. TD-MPC. ? Plan using a learned model of the environment. Data-Driven Model Predictive Control (MPC). ? Objective intractable.
TD-MPC - ICML2022 - Slide Upload
Considérons un protocole de MPC `a n joueurs souhaitant calculer une certaine fonction : f : G1 ×···× Gn ? E o`u les Gi et E sont des groupes finis.
TD1 - Introduction au MPC - Maxime Bombar
TD MPC A2. Tous les documents dont il est question ci dessous sont accessibles sous anca/Langages/MPC. 26/03/20. Nous avons parlé de ...
TD2 - MPC II - Maxime Bombar
We propose TD-MPC, a framework that combines MPC with a task-oriented latent dynamics model and terminal value function jointly learned using TD ...
TD-MPC Slides (PDF) - Nicklas Hansen
Plan using a learned model of the environment. Data-Driven Model Predictive Control. ? Objective intractable s. 0. (repeat for steps). Page 3. TD-MPC.
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Action Research: Concepts, Methods, and Skills - ????????
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