VLSI Concurrent Computation for Music Synthesis

Esta tesis doctoral centrada en la estimación de modelos de instrumentos musicales para la transcripción musical automática, ha sido posible ...

Creation of a Real-Time Granular Synthesis Instrument for Live ...
genres that still rely on band instruments: guitar, bass, drums, keyboards, as well as saxophone (woodwind) and trumpet (brass), as ...
PhD THESIS - Universidad de Jaén
Octave bands above 500 Hz have an increasing ra- diation in the lower directions, and the 4 kHz octave band exhibit strong radiation downward (see Figure 8). On ...
Directivities of Symphony Orchestra Instruments
This paper presents the results of an U band survey with FORS1/VLT of a large area in the ? Ori star-forming region. We combine the.
Roland Percussion Sound Module TD-10
TD-10 provides 2-band equalizers for the instruments (not usable with instruments assigned to the AUX1, 2 jacks), and a 3-band equalizer for the total sound ...
Antony Schutz Quelques Contributions au Traitement de Signal ...
Pour les êtres humains, le son n'a d'importance que pour son contenu. La voie est un lan- gage parlé, la musique une intention artistique.
Docteur en sciences physiques de l'Université Paris-Sud 11
Photographie des trois instruments intégrés sur le plateau optique `a l'intérieur du cryostat. Ces instruments sont les mod`eles de qualification. (images ...
User Manual - Thomann
Mess EQ. EQ. Based on the 5-band EQ module on. Mesa/Boogie®* amps, can easily realize the classic boogie V-shaped sound. Band 1: 80Hz; Band 2: 240Hz ; Band 3: ...
Automatic characterization and generation of music loops and ...
Using this dataset, we present an algorithm for classifying the instrumentation role a loop can take in a music composition and show that it can be applied to.
Gear Acquisition Syndrome : consumption of instruments and ... - ZBW
Gear Acquisition Syndrome : consumption of instruments and technology in popular music. Huddersfield : University of Huddersfield Press. This ...
Manuel d'utilisation - Hanna Instruments
Ti = Tx / 0.4 = 7 : 0,4 = 17.5 mins. Td = Tx X 0.4 = 7 X 0,4 = 2.8 mins. RELAIS ALARME. Le relais alarme fonctionne de la manière suivante : Pendant une ...
Contrôle actif appliqué aux instruments de musique à vent
Rapporteurs : Emmanuel FRIOT. - Chargé de Recherche CNRS (HDR), LMA. Bruno GAZENGEL. - Professeur des Universités, Université du Maine.
Topological modeling for musical structures and processes
of musical instruments: voice, piano, guitar, bass, drums, etc. Here we are mostly interested in the accompaniment, and more precisely the ...