Engineering Automation for Reliable Software - DTIC

bFS::directory_iterator di(inputDir); copy(di, bFS::directory_iterator(), std::back_inserter(testsToRun));. //Eliminate all dirs or files from the list that ...

An Aeroelastic Investigation of Wind Induced Vibrations of High ...
libraries directory was added as a possible include directory (in the Core::initialize() method), so it will be loaded easily enough, and we can even keep ...
3D breast surface reconstructions from consumer-grade RGB-D ...
Kd and Kc and extrinsic calibration Td,c each grid cell is being iterated over for colour ... for (auto & p : fs::directory_iterator(pathIn)). 100.
libc++ Documentation - IBM
Written by the Libc++ Team with modifications by IBM. Introduction. This document contains the release notes for the libc++-based C++ Standard Library provided ...
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