Essayez avec l'orthographe 
A BILL - Congress.gov
TikTok shop is a game-changing new shopping solution that allows creators, brands, and merchants to promote and sell items directly through TikTok apps. In-feed ... 
Thematic is the analysis of data transcriptions that support digital business communication on the TikTok platform by identifying different transcriptions that ... 
BCE Q2 2024 Results conference call transcription
To protect the national security of the United States from the threat posed by foreign adversary controlled applications, such as TikTok and any. 
This year's Pride Festival season, along with our Summer Music and Cultural Festival series, kicked off in the spring, which included in-person parades, ... 
anne.page@univ-amu.fr MASTER 1 SEMESTRE 1 (30 crédits) - lerma
When it was proclaimed that the Library contained all books, the first impression was one of extravagant happiness. All men felt themselves to be the ... 
Enlightenment in the Digital Age - elysee.fr
... Descartes' philosophy about souls and not the general conception of nature being mechanical. In fact, the nerves he separated and burned in live dogs seem ... 
Le Montreuillois - Ville de Montreuil
Créée en 2013 à l'initiative ... Soirée 1-800-Booty, du dance- hall au voguing, avec Lateena. Plummer, DJ Monique, Global. Scream Contest, Tsip et ... 
Le Montreuillois - Ville de Montreuil
Créée en 2013 à l'initiative ... Soirée 1-800-Booty, du dance- hall au voguing, avec Lateena. Plummer, DJ Monique, Global. Scream Contest, Tsip et ... 
That Song from TikTok
There will also be workshop sessions, animated by the students, who will be required to choose an extract for its orality and lead the collective translation ... 
Examining Teenagers' Interactions with TikTok Food Videos and the ...
To address the dangers to which the digital age exposes our democracy and enable everyone to break free from algorithmic bubbles, I would ... 
E-commerce Short Video Marketing Based on 5W Model
Son compte TikTok atteint près de 80 000 abonnés. Sa recette ? Des vidéos 100 % transparentes qui relatent aussi bien ses succès que ses galères ... 
To whom do we listen, and why? - DiVA portal
Newly created TikTok accounts and creators are, therefore, more likely to go viral than newly created YouTube accounts. This means that ... 
elt and social media: integrating tiktok into class practice1 - UniCH
Short-form videos in social media are growing in popularity and becoming a promising channel for marketing. This study explores consumer engagement in brand ... 
The combination of TikTok video and music is an attractive force, because users feel that they are interacting directly with the influencer/brand on offer ... 
ESA joint advice master file (EIOPA) for BOS
l'ordre CM, TD, puis TP. Les TP sont précédés d'une période de préparation incluant l'installation des logi- ciels ad hoc sur l'ordinateur ... 
Literature screening report New communicative ways in prevention
Rapport d'activité 2022 Musées d'Orsay et de l'Orangerie - EPMO
PRODOC veille à utiliser du papier provenant de forêts gérées d'une façon qui est respectueuse de l'environnement et socialement responsable. 
Annual Report 2023 - Data Protection Commission
They give a brief outline of why you should utilize the app for marketing purposes, often reasoning with the fact that ?everyone is on Tiktok?. 
Brand Finance Global 500 2025 - Brandirectory
From Viral Content to Real-Life Cuisine and Beyond: Examining Teenagers' Interactions with TikTok Food Videos.