Clinical Acoustic Study of Acupuncture Therapy Effects on Post ...

Clinical Acoustic Study of Acupuncture Therapy Effects on Post ...

Severe and persistent speech disorder, dysarthria, may be present for life after brain injury in childhood, yet the neural correlates.


 Acute ischaemic stroke and its challenges for the intensivist - SciSpace

Acute ischaemic stroke and its challenges for the intensivist - SciSpace

Objectives : The aim of this study is to find the acoustic characteristics of acupuncture therapy effects on post-stroke dysarthria.


 Corticobulbar tract changes as predictors of dysarthria in childhood ...

Corticobulbar tract changes as predictors of dysarthria in childhood ...

Posterior circulation stroke often presents with the D's: dysarthria, ... Early prediction of malignant brain edema after ischemic stroke. Stroke 2018 ...


 Silent Infarction in Patients with First-ever Stroke

Silent Infarction in Patients with First-ever Stroke

Silent cerebral infarction, which is not associated with a history of stroke, is a common finding in the study of brain images, including computed.


 Transient mutism and cerebellar ischemic stroke: case report

Transient mutism and cerebellar ischemic stroke: case report

Corticosteroids are not recommended for the management of cerebral edema and increased intracranial pressure following ischemic stroke (grade A).


 Speech and language therapy for aphasia following stroke Brady ...

Speech and language therapy for aphasia following stroke Brady ...

Apraxia of speech and dysarthria are motor speech disorders (MSD) that are estimated to occur in approximately 11% and. 42% of first-time stroke survivors, ...


 Cognitive impairment after stroke and TIA - UiO - DUO

Cognitive impairment after stroke and TIA - UiO - DUO

Scientific Committee. R. Ackerman, USA. A. Algra, The Netherlands. H. Ay, USA. H. Bäzner, Germany. J.-C. Baron, United Kingdom. P. Bath, United Kingdom.


 Imaging in Acute Anterior Circulation Ischemic Stroke

Imaging in Acute Anterior Circulation Ischemic Stroke

We recruited 3 carefully matched groups of young people: 2 after childhood TBI (1 with and 1 without subsequent dysarthria), and. 1 of typically developing (TD) ...


 Interrater Reliability of an Etiologic Classification of Ischemic Stroke

Interrater Reliability of an Etiologic Classification of Ischemic Stroke

SUMMARY A patient developed a cerebellar infarction five weeks after a car accident. The pathophysiol- ogy and the medico-legal implications are discussed.


 National Clinical Guideline for Stroke 2023 - HSE

National Clinical Guideline for Stroke 2023 - HSE

Our study is to explore the as- sociation between thiamine and cognitive impairment after acute ischemic stroke. Materials and Methods: One ...




This study was aimed to evaluate the preva- lence of silent infarcts in brain CT and risk factors in patients admitted with first-ever ischemic stroke or ...


 Unusual presentation of infectious intracranial aneurysm with ...

Unusual presentation of infectious intracranial aneurysm with ...

Recent studies have showed that asymptomatic cerebral infarction (ACI) developed in a reasonable number of patients after cardiac ...
