Late Cretaceous Theropod Dinosaurs of Southern Utah

Late Cretaceous Theropod Dinosaurs of Southern Utah

Tyrannosaurid dinosaurs comprised nearly all large- bodied predators (>2.5 tons) on northern continents during the Late Cretaceous.


 Theropod dinosaurs from Argentina -

Theropod dinosaurs from Argentina -

At ~6300 kg, the Maastrichtian-aged Tyrannosaurus rex falls among the top body masses known for any terrestrial carnivore (Christiansen and Fariña, 2004 ...


 Evolution of the carnivorous dinosaurs during the Cretaceous

Evolution of the carnivorous dinosaurs during the Cretaceous

Ceratosaurians are the most taxonomically diverse South American non-avian theropods, including small to large-sized species, such as the iconic horned dinosaur ...


 Theropods - RERO DOC

Theropods - RERO DOC

Giant carnivorous dinosaurs such as Tyrannosaurus rex and abelisaurids are characterized by highly reduced forelimbs that stand in contrast ...


 A long-snouted, multihorned tyrannosaurid from the Late ...

A long-snouted, multihorned tyrannosaurid from the Late ...

Carnotaurus measures 18.6 cm in transverse width, versus 16.5 cm in Ekrixinatosaurus. Thus, it seems that Carnotaurus was larger in body ...


 Fossils explained 27: Theropod dinosaurs - Darren Naish

Fossils explained 27: Theropod dinosaurs - Darren Naish

In Carnotaurus big frontal horns extend dorsolaterally above the eyes. Most large theropods have low horns in front of their eyes on the lacrimals, and they are ...


 Theropod dinosaurs from the Upper Cretaceous of the South ...

Theropod dinosaurs from the Upper Cretaceous of the South ...

29. A Tyrannosaurus individual of comparable age would have a mass of ?750 kg (24), approximately twice that of A. altai.


 Lower rotational inertia and larger leg muscles indicate more rapid ...

Lower rotational inertia and larger leg muscles indicate more rapid ...

A group of mostly small-bodied, lithe and slim ceratosaurs, the coelophysoids, are known from Upper Triassic and Lower Jurassic rocks. In some ways, ...


 Zootaxa, The osteology of Shaochilong maortuensis, a ...

Zootaxa, The osteology of Shaochilong maortuensis, a ...

The dinosaur record in the South Pyrenees Basin is diverse and rich. A total of 142 theropod teeth were studied for this paper, which constitutes one of the ...


 A new theropod dinosaur from the Callovian Balabansai Formation ...

A new theropod dinosaur from the Callovian Balabansai Formation ...

Synopsis: Tyrannosaurid dinosaurs had large preserved leg muscle attachments and low rotational inertia relative to their body mass, indicating ...


 Morphology and distribution of scales, dermal ossifications, and ...

Morphology and distribution of scales, dermal ossifications, and ...

Large-bodied theropod dinosaurs from the Early-mid Cretaceous of the northern continents (Laurasia) are poorly known. One of the most complete and ...


 Theropod dinosaurs from Thailand and Southeast Asia - bonndoc

Theropod dinosaurs from Thailand and Southeast Asia - bonndoc

A naturally occurring TD tends to be smaller than the majority of the denticles, making it easily distinguish- able. Many teeth had ''abbreviated'' carina where ...


 How smart was T. rex? Testing claims of exceptional cognition in ...

How smart was T. rex? Testing claims of exceptional cognition in ...

We report an isolated frontal of a large?bodied theropod from the Cenomanian ?Kem Kem beds? of Morocco with an un? usual morphology that we refer to a new ...


 How smart was T. rex? Testing claims of exceptional cognition in ...

How smart was T. rex? Testing claims of exceptional cognition in ...

We report an isolated frontal of a large?bodied theropod from the Cenomanian ?Kem Kem beds? of Morocco with an un? usual morphology that we refer to a new ...


 This electronic thesis or dissertation has been downloaded from the ...

This electronic thesis or dissertation has been downloaded from the ...

ABSTRACT. Recent fieldwork in the late Middle Jurassic Balabansai Formation of Kyrgyzstan has yielded a partial skeleton of a large theropod ...


 Osteology of Fukuivenator paradoxus - ?????????

Osteology of Fukuivenator paradoxus - ?????????

Scaly skin has been reported in the abelisaurid Carnotaurus (Bonaparte, Novas &. Coria, 1990; Czerkas & Czerkas, 1997), the allosauroids Allo- saurus (Pinegar ...


 Why tyrannosaurid forelimbs were so short: An integrative hypothesis

Why tyrannosaurid forelimbs were so short: An integrative hypothesis

The evolution of large-bodied theropod dinosaurs during the Mesozoic in. Asia. Journal of Iberian Geology. 36: 275?296. Brusatte SL, Carr TD, Norell MA. 2012 ...


 The distribution of dental features in non-avian theropod dinosaurs

The distribution of dental features in non-avian theropod dinosaurs

... mass (MBd, kg) in Mesozoic dinosaurs. For maniraptoriform theropods ... Carr, T. D. (2020). A high-resolution growth series of ...
