The task is to discuss the controversy that exists as to the best technique for imaging the soft tissues of the neck. However, before entering into such a ...


 Resident Manual of Trauma to the Face, Head, and Neck

Resident Manual of Trauma to the Face, Head, and Neck

A variety of soft tissue tumors may arise in any region of the head and neck. These tumors include dermoid cysts, lymphangiomas, neurogenic tumors, sarcomas ...


 Update on Major Reconstruction of the Head and Neck

Update on Major Reconstruction of the Head and Neck

These techniques rely on the bony landmarks seen on the fluoroscopy without visualization of the soft tissues, such as spinal cord, nerve, vessels, ligaments, ...


 Soft tissue tumor imaging in adults - DiVA portal

Soft tissue tumor imaging in adults - DiVA portal

Resident Manual of Trauma to the Face, Head, and Neck. 190. Chapter 9: Soft tissue Injuries of the Face, head, and Neck y If injury is identified, rule out an ...


 Advances in Midface Reconstruction - BINASSS

Advances in Midface Reconstruction - BINASSS

In summary, this book brilliantly covers the clinical and surgical approaches to the pathology of the head and neck, including the oral, oropha- ryngeal, ...


 Experience With Esthetic Reconstruction of Complex Facial Soft ...

Experience With Esthetic Reconstruction of Complex Facial Soft ...

Providing this with a soft-tissue flap, such as the radial forearm flap, requires firm tissue support, which harvesting the palmaris longus tendon with the flap.


 AJCC CANCER STAGING MANUAL - American College of Surgeons

AJCC CANCER STAGING MANUAL - American College of Surgeons

MRI is the imaging technique of choice for characterization and local staging of large (> 5 cm) musculoskeletal soft tissue masses and masses ...


 Surgeon-performed ultrasonography

Surgeon-performed ultrasonography

Reconstruction of simple ostial midface defects may be achieved with the osteocutaneous radial forearm free flap. (OCRFFF), and its ideal use includes defects.


 Role of ultrasonography in determining the cricothyroid membrane ...

Role of ultrasonography in determining the cricothyroid membrane ...

The CT examination is charac- terized by lower accuracy of soft tissue imaging, where MR has a significant advantage, however, bone structures and cartilage ...


 Ultrasound-guided wire localisation: a GPS for hidden head and ...

Ultrasound-guided wire localisation: a GPS for hidden head and ...

The results of soft tissue augmentation with synthetic materials are excellent from the point of view of contour but are often too firm, and complications can ...
